How to Help Your Pet Stop Itching

Itchy cat scratching it's chin.

We all know the satisfied looks our pets get when they get scratches behind their ears, belly scratches, or even butt scratches from their humans. The scenario, as well as their facial expression, changes, though, when our pets do their own scratching. Common causes for itchy cats and dogs include dry skin, environmental allergies, or food sensitivities. More serious conditions like mange or parasites that cause itching can require medical treatment by a vet. Keep reading for some ways to combat itchiness in your pet.


A Hairy Situation: Hairballs in Cats 

cat laying on rug

Almost every cat owner is familiar with the hacking and gagging noises cats make (usually at 2 am) as they prepare to cough up a hairball. If you groan when you hear this and wonder if  anything can be done about it, True Care Veterinary Hospital has good news for you!

But are you ready to tackle the hairy situation that is hairballs in cats? 

How Do Hairballs Happen? 

Cats are consummate groomers that work hard to keep their coats immaculate. While grooming themselves with their sharp tongues, cats ingest hair that has been shed. Fur cannot be broken down by the digestive tract, and if it doesn’t pass through, it can collect in the intestine.

Although this hair typically passes through the digestive tract and is excreted in the stool, sometimes it may remain in the stomach and gradually accumulate into a wet clump – the hairball. 
