Unsafe Plants For Pets (And What To Do If Your Pet Eats Them)

For many pet owners, the home of their dreams is one full of luscious green plants and a flowering garden. Unfortunately, some house plants that are easiest to grow can be toxic for pets and the same is true for outdoor plants. If your love of flora is as big as your love of fauna, there are ways to help them coexist safely.
Continue…An Eye On Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month

Our curious cats and hungry hounds seem to have a way of getting into things they shouldn’t get into. That could be your new houseplant or Aunt Fran’s medications, there are thousands of things we use around the home that can harm our pets if ingested. Unfortunately, there is the thinking that certain types of substances aren’t appealing to pets, but you would be surprised.
This is why the team at True Care Veterinary Hospital wants to observe national Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month in March to educate pet owners on these toxic foes. Let’s explore the common toxins in our midst.