Highlighting the Key Points of Pet Sitter Safety

Dog with a lease in mouth.

It would be lovely if everyone working in the field of pet sitting or dog walking both loved animals and respected their client’s property. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Since your pet’s health, safety, comfort, and happiness mean so much (and perhaps even more so in your absence), it can seem rather daunting to find an individual that checks all the right boxes. We can help you zero-in on the finer points of pet sitter safety so you can achieve peace of mind while away from your pet. 


What Foods Are Safe for My Pets During the Holidays?

Dog eating holiday bone.

Nothing says “the holidays are here” like a gathering of family and friends around a table full of mouth-watering foods and sweet treats. And while you’re indulging yourself in all your traditional favorites, it’s only natural to want to indulge your pets, too. But before you slip a bite of honey baked ham to your canine or feline companion, it’s important to know that some people foods can actually be poisonous to pets

This holiday season, the team at True Care Veterinary Hospital reminds all pet families of the importance of practicing holiday pet safety, especially when it comes to food. With our tips below, you can start a new holiday dinner tradition just for your pets!
