Dog with a lease in mouth.

It would be lovely if everyone working in the field of pet sitting or dog walking both loved animals and respected their client’s property. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Since your pet’s health, safety, comfort, and happiness mean so much (and perhaps even more so in your absence), it can seem rather daunting to find an individual that checks all the right boxes. We can help you zero-in on the finer points of pet sitter safety so you can achieve peace of mind while away from your pet. 

A Quick Assessment

Finding the right match can be as easy as getting a great recommendation from someone you trust. This is how pet sitters build their reputations. However, to ensure that your pet receives the same type of attention and level of care they’re used to, we recommend the following pet sitter safety tactics: 

Spend Time Together

Even when you have great reviews to back up your choice of pet sitter, it is essential that you meet and spend some time together. This way you can observe how they interact with your pet while learning more about the person that will be staying with them. 

If your pet doesn’t appear relaxed or at ease while in the company of their potential sitter, please don’t ignore this sign. Sure, they could eventually warm up to this person. But if you have any doubts about compatibility, keep looking for the right match. When it comes to pet sitter safety, it’s always best to be safe than sorry.

Get Quizzical

Your pet sitter is likely well-versed in pet first aid, CPR, and emergency protocol. Hopefully, they will never need to use it, but it’s ideal if they come equipped. Ask to see specific credentials, and quiz them on what they would do in certain hypothetical situations that involve your pet. This could center on natural disasters, dog bites, what to do if your pet goes missing or gets lost, how to treat specific injuries, and their experience addressing signs of illness

The Tour

Whether your pet sitter will stay at your home, or your pet will stay with them at theirs, it’s a good idea to provide them with a pet emergency kit. We recommend completing it with:

Pet Sitter Safety for the Win

There are many reasons why pet owners opt to hire a pet sitter (instead of a boarding facility), and for the most part it’s a choice that pays off. If you have further questions or concerns about pet sitter safety, please call us at (732) 677-2180. True Care Veterinary Hospital is always happy to assist you!