Stress Less, Embrace the Basics of Dog Training

Man training a dog.

Have you ever met someone who was equally exasperated with their dog’s behavior and unwilling to teach them better behaviors? It’s not only unfair to the animal, but it creates a tension in the home that’s entirely preventable. The basics of dog training are easy to approach, and when done correctly, sessions are fun and rewarding for both dogs and their owners. Because we know first-hand the powerful impact that dog training can have on the human-animal bond,  True Care Veterinary Hospital is thrilled to help owners embark on this endeavor.


Understanding Pet Noise Anxiety Is Half the Battle

Scared dog hiding from loud noises.

Our pets are phenomenal at navigating the modern world, but there are plenty of surprises that can startle even the most confident animal. In fact, their nerves can get rattled fairly quickly when a loud truck goes by or they find themselves in a crowded public place. As they take cues from their owners, it’s necessary to maintain an emotionally calm or neutral demeanor. However, pet noise anxiety can really get out of control if not dealt with head-on.
