pet travel tipsSummertime is travel season for many families. From late May to early September, weekends are packed with road trips, camping, hanging out at the beach, or even flights to far away places. Many pet owners couldn’t imagine traveling without their four-legged companions, but bringing a pet along on a trip isn’t without considerable challenges.

True Care Veterinary Hospital understands your desire to share life’s experiences with your best pal. Our comprehensive list of pet travel tips is sure to get you and your pet off to a great start.

What to Bring

Packing for your pet is just as important as packing for yourself! Besides your pet’s daily care needs (food, water, medication), bring along some of the comforts of home, such as favorite toys, treats, blankets, and bedding, to help your pet feel secure in a new environment. Don’t forget the leash, collar, crate (if applicable), and plenty of plastic baggies for cleaning up after your pet.

Pet Travel Tips

Traveling with your pet can be a wonderful way to bond and make memories together, but a safe and comfortable experience for your pet requires a little bit of planning and preparation. Before you head out, make sure you’ve attended to the following details:

  • Hydration – Summer car travel can be hot and your pet will require extra water (and a bowl to drink from) to stay hydrated.
  • Security – Keep your pet secure in the car with a safety belt harness or crate that can be attached to the belt.
  • IDs – Make sure your pet is wearing his or her collar with up-to-date ID tags. If you haven’t had your pet microchipped yet, do so before your trip for extra protection should he or she become separated from you. (And don’t forget to register the microchip with your current contact information!)
  • Scheduled breaks – Research pet-friendly rest stops, parks, and dog parks along your route and at your destination, and plan to stop frequently to let everyone stretch their legs.
  • In case of emergency – Look up a good emergency veterinary hospital at your destination and program the number into your phone. Make sure to bring your pet’s health records or have them stored online for easy access while on the road.

Other Considerations

Besides the nitty-gritty of packing and planning, there are other things to think about when traveling with pets, such as:

  • Will your pet be welcome where you are staying? If not, have you lined up a pet-friendly hotel?
  • Will your pet be stuck in a hotel room or vacation home all day long while the family is out and about?
  • Are there any pet-friendly activities to take part in once you reach your destination?

Let Us Help You!

For your pet’s continued good health, it’s important that he or she is current on all required vaccines before your trip. Your veterinarian will help you to determine if there are any additional vaccinations you should consider based on your travel plans, such as canine influenza or Lyme disease.

Your pet’s monthly parasite preventatives are critical for his or her safety while traveling. Give us a call to start your pet on a preventative medication or to pick up a refill.

Your friends at True Care Veterinary Hospital wish you a wonderful summer and an enjoyable and memorable vacation! Happy tails!