Dog carrying toy rope inside the house.

It’s safe to say that we all slow down a little bit in the winter months. Even those of us trying to shed holiday pounds can grow weary of the daily grind this time of year. 

The seasonal conundrum that also affects our beloved pets – they want to run around and play, but sometimes it’s just too cold to enjoy doing so outside. Indoor pet activities can change the game plan at home, and keep everyone fit and happy.

Seasonal Drawbacks

When it becomes too unpleasant to exercise outside, the temptation to become a couch potato is very real. Pets and people alike need to keep moving despite sub-zero temperatures and icy conditions, but how?

Only Limited by Our Imaginations

Cabin fever can easily set it, and with it, a real risk for weight gain. With pet obesity levels on the rise, keep the pounds off this winter with these indoor pet activities:

  • Play fetch or tug of war with the Happy Pet Grubber Ball, ChuckIt! Indoor Ball, or Zogoflex Tug Toy.
  • Strengthen your cat’s instincts with various toys like this Feather Teaser, laser, or anything containing catnip.
  • Build an agility course specifically with your pet’s skills and interests in mind.
  • Play hide and seek.
  • Create a treasure hunt for them by hiding treats that they have to hunt for.
  • Fill a kiddie pool with balls pillows and ask them to find something inside it.
  • Play your favorite danceable tunes and watch how your pet wants to be involved!
  • Train them to do certain tricks, like fetch your newspaper or slippers. Scatter their toys and train them to clean up the mess.
  • Teach them to roll over, “beg”, shake or spin.
  • Race going up or down the stairs.

Out of the House, Still Indoors

With many commercial spaces billing themselves as pet-friendly, owners have more opportunities than ever before. Bring your pet to Lowe’s or Home Depot and look for ways that they can expand on their social skills. You can both simply stroll the aisles when it’s raining or snowing outside to get your steps in.

Look for doggie playdate groups, day cares, or social sites that facilitate socialization and exercise, all while refraining from the great outdoors. 

The Best Indoor Pet Activities

Despite your best attempts to engage your pet this winter, they may not always jump on board with your planned indoor pet activities. That’s okay! Simply keeping them safe from inclement weather is a great strategy this winter. Just remember to limit their calories if they aren’t up to their usual workout routines.

If you have further questions about keeping your pet safe, happy and healthy this winter, we encourage you to contact us. Our caring, compassionate staff members are always here for you at True Care Veterinary Hospital