Little red catWhen you first meet the kitten that will inevitably change your life, you may be overwhelmed with happiness. While it’s possible to lose yourself in all the cuteness, caring for a new kitten must go beyond appreciating his or her wide-eyed wonder and playful antics.

There’s often a spike in adoption of young pets this time of year, but without a strong foundation of health and wellness, a growing kitten could be at risk. That’s why True Care Veterinary Hospital wants to make sure you and your new family member start off on the right paw.

All About Timing

Many adoptable pets are given their first round of pet vaccinations prior to leaving a breeder or shelter. However, it’s still important to bring your new kitten in for a pet wellness exam (don’t forget to bring medical records). We will ensure your kitten is free of external and intestinal parasites, review parasite prevention, and administer any additional vaccinations.

What Else?

A head to tail exam will help us customize your new kitten’s wellness care plan. A thorough discussion about spaying/neutering will hopefully help you make the right decision for your new pet. We recommend this common surgery take place by age 5-6 months. Benefits of spaying/neutering include:

  • Controls overpopulation
  • Decreases shelter pets
  • Minimizes the risk of cancer, uterine infections, and prostate problems
  • Reduces unwanted behaviors such as marking, roaming, or aggression

Other Concerns

Caring for a new kitten means providing the right food, which directly impacts future health. Our team is happy to help you design the right diet plan for your growing kitten.

On a related note, your pet’s future wellness depends on how you address the teeth and gums. Waiting until your kitten is older to implement basic pet dental care and hygiene may be too late. Starting in kittenhood not only ensures top-notch oral health, it also makes young pets more accepting of regular teeth brushing.

Caring for a New Kitten

Socialization and training are other major components of kitten care. This includes:

  • Early exposure to lots of affection and gentle handling
  • Introduction to other people and pets
  • Playing with your kitten every day and allowing him or her to experience various learning opportunities
  • Offering reassurances and accolades
  • Providing a crate for your kitten to become familiar with  

iCare and More!

Caring for a new kitten is one of life’s greatest pleasures, and regular wellness exams ensure your little fluffball develops into a happy, healthy adult cat. Because we believe this is such an important stage of life, we regularly offer new pet promotions and the iCare pet health program. Please contact us with any questions or concerns. Let the purr-fest begin!