TrueCare_iStock_000076750625_LargeCongratulations on your new puppy! Bringing a wide-eyed, furry little canine into your life is wonderful – but raising a young animal is not without certain challenges. Housebreaking, socialization, and training are all important milestones. Are you prepared to tackle the basics of caring for a new puppy?

The Foundation

You might be surprised at how much time, energy, and money you will spend caring for a new puppy. But rest assured, it’s all worth it! Start by scheduling a wellness exam so we can evaluate your new pet, address any issues, and ensure his or her overall health. We will also discuss the importance of vaccinations, parasite prevention, microchipping, spaying or neutering, and deworming.

The Right Supplies

Our team will review your puppy’s nutritional needs so you can purchase the right food for him or her. Also consider purchasing a nice set of food and water bowls, a leash and collar, ID tags, a crate, bedding, and baby gates (to restrict access to certain parts of your home). Remember, caring for a new puppy typically involves picking up messes, so invest in a good spot cleaner as well!

Daily Needs

We recommend a checklist of daily care needs to help you both get into a routine, such as a potty training schedule, meals, grooming, and playtime. When your puppy is old enough, enroll him or her with a trainer and provide opportunities for socialization with other people and pets.

The first few months of your puppy’s life will help shape his or her personality and disposition. Patience and positive reinforcement will go a long way to influencing good behavior, and your puppy will gain confidence from experiencing new sounds, smells, and sights. Teaching your new puppy how to navigate situations (and showing lots of love) will result in a well-behaved, calm dog.

Eyes Wide Open

Caring for a new puppy isn’t always fun and games. The first few months of your puppy’s life are a delicate time since his or her immune system isn’t fully developed. Please call us immediately if you notice any of the following:

  • Loss of appetite or difficulty gaining weight
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Inability to eliminate waste
  • Any signs of pain
  • Lethargy
  • Respiratory distress with or without nasal discharge
  • Eye discharge
  • Pale gums

Caring for a New Puppy

Caring for a new puppy can be overwhelming, but your efforts will be rewarded with tail wags, face licks, and heart-warming companionship for years to come.

Please contact our team with any puppy parenting questions or concerns. We’re always happy to help!
