Closeup of cat face. Fauna backgroundThanks to the independent, self-sufficient, even stoic nature of our pet cats, it’s easy to overlook the need for regular wellness care. After all, kitty seems fine, so why go through the trouble of a cat wellness exam?

The truth is, cats are masters at hiding illness and injury, and you likely won’t know anything is wrong with him or her until the situation is critical. During a routine wellness exam your veterinarian may be alerted to a potential problem or health issue, giving us the opportunity to nip it in the bud and potentially save your cat needless suffering, increase his or her chance of a full recovery, and even save money.

At True Care Veterinary Hospital, we believe that all cats deserve regular veterinary attention and wellness care.

The Cat Wellness Exam, Decoded

The following areas of your cat’s health are addressed at each wellness visit:

  • Detailed history of your cat’s health
  • Nose-to-tail physical exam
  • Vaccinations
  • Parasite preventives
  • Spay/neuter
  • Discussing any questions or concerns you may have

Your veterinarian may recommend follow-up diagnostic testing, such as blood work, digital x-rays or other scans.


For many cat owners, bringing their cat to the veterinarian is simply too stressful. Between getting a cat into the carrier, the car ride, and the antics once kitty is inside the clinic, it can seem like it just isn’t worth the trouble.

Fortunately, there are ways to make bringing your cat in for checkups easier on both you and kitty. Check out the American Association of Feline Practitioner’s guidelines for getting a cat used to the carrier, and talk with your veterinarian about ways to reduce your cat’s stress.

Wellness Beyond The Clinic

There is much you can do at home to optimize your pet’s health and well-being, such as:

  • Keep your cat at an ideal weight by limiting treats and encouraging daily exercise (try laser pointers, feather chasers, fishpole toys, wadded up paper, etc.).
  • Up to 70% of cats have some form of periodontal disease. Besides bringing your cat to our office for a yearly dental exam and professional cleaning, you can support his or her oral health at home with regular tooth brushing (your veterinarian can help you to master the technique).
  • Make your home “cat friendly” by keeping litter boxes clean, keeping water bowls filled, and providing plenty of hiding spots and perches for kitty to retreat to.
  • The human-animal bond is important for your cat’s, and your, mental health, so spend time playing with and interacting with your cat each day.

Take Your Cat To The Vet Day

Looking for activities to fill your calendar at the end of the month? August 22nd is National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day, and a great reminder to schedule your kitty’s next wellness visit if you haven’t already. We look forward to seeing you and your cat soon!