Howell is arguably one of the most pleasant places in New Jersey. With an average of 209 sunny days a year, and 112 days with precipitation, we’re above the national average for both. And, when it comes to temperature extremes, we don’t have many. Even in the hottest months of the year, our average temperatures are in the 80s! This is great news for pet safety, of course, but there is still work to be done when it comes to preparing your pet for the warmer seasons.
The Right Stance
Knowing that anything can go wrong at any given moment is exhausting, but it can be informative with regard to pet safety. When you’re prepared for every possible eventuality, you can get closer to preventing catastrophes of all shapes and sizes.
Enjoy the Good Times
We recommend year-round parasite prevention to protect companion animals from heartworm, tick-borne illness, and flea infestations. However, it’s not uncommon for lapses in medication to occur during the colder weather. If it’s time to update your pet’s parasite prevention medication, this is the perfect time to address their risk of exposure. Protecting your pet from parasites is a huge facet of springtime pet safety, and we’re happy to help you get started this spring.
Speaking of Prevention
Along the same lines, it’s critical to recognize where a pet is regarding disease prevention. Updating their core and non-core vaccinations can help reduce the possibility of contracting a contagious disease and reduce the severity. Since spring and summer are prime seasons for roaming, fighting, and mating, it’s a good idea to ensure your pet has every possib;e defense against infectious diseases.
Spring is the best time to trim a pet’s thick winter coat and get them ready for all the fun events happening. A pet’s coat plays an integral part in their body’s heating/cooling mechanism, and it’s not typically recommended to fully remove or trim the coat when the heat is on.
Groomers are also well-versed in checking out the skin, muscles, and skeletal frame for any changes. Noticing a small lump or bump can reveal various health conditions that undermine pet safety and overall health.
Warm Weather and Water Fun
The Manasquan Reservoir, among many other New Jersey waterways, offers a great respite for recreational boaters, anglers, swimmers, and general outdoor enthusiasts. Be sure that your pet is fully equipped with their own snug-fitting life jacket anytime you are on or near the water. Try not to overexpose them to the sun, but if you do apply pet-specific sunblock to their nose and ears.
Due to broken glass, fallen fish hooks, and sharp stones, always carry a pet first aid kit with you when out and about.
Heat & Hydration
An essential element of spring pet safety hinges on maintaining their hydration. Always keep fresh, clean water on hand and refill bowls around the house and yard when temperatures climb. Adequate shade and ventilation go hand in hand with safe drinking water.
Only exercise your pet during the early morning or evening hours. Avoid the high heat of midday when the sun is at its strongest. If the pavement is too hot for your own bare feet, it is too hot for your pet’s paw pads.
As a gentle reminder, please never leave your pet in a parked car for any period of time. Our veterinarians and staff members are always happy to help you at True Care Veterinary Hospital. Please call us at (732) 677-2180.