Signs Your Pet Has Pollen Allergies and What You Can Do to Help Them Cope

A dog standing near a tree is mid-sneeze.

We all love spring, but what we can collectively agree on is that allergies that come with the season are a drag. Seasonal allergies in pets produce an array of symptoms, too, that can make it very unpleasant for an allergic pooch or cat. There are some symptoms, though, that a pet owner may overlook as an allergic reaction.

Your friends at True Care Veterinary Hospital are here to explain what to look for if your pet has pollen allergies, along with treatment options.


Trouble Afoot: All About Paw Problems in Pets

White dog paws against a bright yellow background.

Your pet’s paws are their gateway to the world. Not only do paws take them where they want to go, they act as shock absorbers for the feet and leg bones as well as providing insulation and traction for the feet. As important as they are, it’s easy to overlook your pet’s paws when it comes to your daily pet care regimen.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common paw problems in pets, and how you can best care for this critical (and super cute) body part!
