The beginning of a new year can certainly be an exciting time. You might be contemplating changes in diet, exercise, finances, or other lifestyle choices. Whether your ideas for improvement are big or small, January seems to be the time for new beginnings for many people.
In order to truly make a change, however, it’s important to reflect on the past 12 months. Part of our process here at True Care Veterinary Hospital involves looking back at our educational pet care blogs – which ones worked, which didn’t, and which topics seemed to interest our readers the most.
Narrowing down our top 5 most popular pet care blogs of 2018 has been an important step in our ongoing goal of providing New Jersey pet owners with the very latest information in veterinary care. We hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane!
True Care Veterinary Hospital’s Top 5 Pet Care Blogs of 2018
#5: When It’s Time to Say Goodbye: Coping with End of Life Pet Care
Whether you’ve raised your pet from their puppy or kitten years, or lovingly adopted them as a senior pet, the loss of a beloved animal companion is never easy. Decisions about end of life pet care can make this challenging time even more difficult, as you may be coping with feelings of guilt, or wondering whether or not you are doing the right thing. Read more…

#4: Pet Vaccinations: Fighting the Good Fight
Pet owners are generally aware of the importance of vaccines for puppies and kittens, but many don’t realize that vaccinations are still needed for older pets. Pet vaccinations continue to be one of the most effective ways to prevent deadly communicable diseases. They play a crucial role in the long-term health of every pet. Continue reading…
#3: Pancreatitis in Pets
With the holidays fast approaching, you may be thinking of all the delicious foods you’ll be serving (and eating!). Most pet owners are also guilty of sharing the holiday feast with their pets. However, besides adding unnecessary fat and calories, feeding your pet table scraps can lead to a potentially fatal condition called pancreatitis. Keep reading…
#2: Seasonal Transitions: Our Guide to Cold Weather Pet Safety
Animals are highly aware of subtle shifts in temperature, precipitation, and barometric pressure – often long before we realize that a change is coming. Their intuition can lead them outside to get out their ya-ya’s before freezing weather dampens the adventurous spirit, or depending on your pet’s age and personality, inside to snuggle for the rest of the calendar year. Read on!

#1: Battling Back-to-School Pet Separation Anxiety
Kids aren’t the only ones who get the back-to-school-blues. Pets can also suffer the effects of a sudden change in routine, especially if they’ve been enjoying extra attention and playtime over the summer. Long days at home waiting for the family to return from school and work can lead to boredom and loneliness in pets. For some, this can actually lead to the much more serious issue of pet separation anxiety. Read more…
Working Together
We love your feedback! If there’s a topic you’d like to learn more about, please don’t hesitate to let us know. From all of us at True Care Veterinary Hospital, we wish you and your pet a Happy New Year!